Photography edit (Category edit) Retrieved on 2007-05-11 11:18.
Digital cameras have the balance of quality, features, and price that appeals to users looking for a fast and convenient way to get images into their PC. You can spend a lot more — or a lot less — for one than the $100 to $3000 (or even more) these cost, but you won’t like the quality at the low end or the prices at the high end. With digital cameras, the best place to be is in the middle. No other image-capture option for your computer matches the fun, immediacy, and convenience of a digital camera. Unlike with a scanner, you don’t need an preexisting image: A digital camera lets you capture what you see. And unlike film-to-disk services, development is instantaneous: You don’t have to wait hours or days before you can use an image on your computer. Operating a digital camera is also inexpensive, because the only recurring cost is batteries. The camera’s storage is reusable once you download a batch of images. And since you don’t have to pay for film processing, you can go wild.
PTP Retrieved on 2007-05-11 11:18.
I already know that ptp transfer removes exif data from my photos. But my camera can work with usb mass storage mode. However I can successfully transfer my photos with digikam without loosing exif. (looks old — 2004)
The list of cameras implementing PTP is constantly growing. Most (if not all) USB still cameras designed after 2002 are supporting PTP.
[Digital photography (category)] / [GNU/Linux (category)] Retrieved on 2007-05-11 11:18.
gPhoto2 is a free, redistributable, ready to use set of digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems, written by a whole team of dedicated volunteers around the world. It supports more than 900 cameras (>= March 28, 2008)